”What is Personality Hire: A Guide to Hire Beyond Resumes”

Embarking on the journey of hiring entails more than scanning resumes for credentials. It’s a quest for the perfect fit, not just in terms of qualifications but also personality.
In the dynamic landscape of recruitment, the concept of “Personality Hire” is gaining prominence. This shift from conventional hiring methods involves delving into the core traits that contribute to a candidate’s compatibility with the company culture. Let’s explore the realm of Personality Hire and how it can redefine your approach to building a stellar team.
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Using Personality Tests in the Hiring Process
One of the ways you can enhance your hiring process is by administering personality tests. There are a number of such tests that will give you more information about the candidate. Here are three of them:
1. The Caliper Profile
This test provides a comprehensive analysis of a candidate’s core competencies by delving into negotiation skills, coaching and development acumen, and communication finesse. Are they accountable? Do they have a service focus? How composed and resilient are they? How professional are they? Do they understand time management? These are all important qualities which you might want to know about an individual before hiring them.
2. The Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment
This test categorizes individuals into four distinct types: Analyzers, Strategists, Scholars, and Collaborators. Understanding where a candidate fits into these categories is crucial for informed decision-making. For executive roles like CEO or CFO, a grasp of business strategy is essential. Conversely, for roles requiring research acumen, identifying candidates with a scholarly orientation proves beneficial.
3. The SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire
This test provides valuable insights into a candidate’s interpersonal skills. Is the candidate sociable and influential? How empathetic are they? Beyond relationships, the assessment delves into their cognitive approach. Are they adept at structure and change? Analytical skills are also assessed. Furthermore, it unveils the candidate’s emotional makeup—revealing whether they’re dynamic, optimistic, relaxed, or prone to worrying.
Do Personality Tests Work?
Are personality tests a valuable tool in the hiring process? Can they truly provide insights beyond traditional methods like resumes and interviews? The resounding answer is yes.
For business owners and managers, past hires based on resumes and interviews might have yielded mixed outcomes. It’s common for individuals to shine on paper and in interviews, yet the real challenge lies in seamlessly integrating into a company’s culture. This is where personality tests prove invaluable.
By leveraging personality tests, you gain a deeper understanding of how candidates navigate everyday work scenarios, assess their teamwork compatibility, and identify the specific personality traits crucial for success in the role you’re hiring for.
Using Personality-Related Questions in Interviews
Another way to factor in a person’s personality during the hiring process is by using personality-related questions in your interview with that person. One great way to do this is by corning up with a fictitious situation where the person has to make a choice. Here are a few examples:
- If the candidate really felt that a person was making a mistake in a work-related situation, would they go ahead and tell them or would they avoid making waves?
- If they found that a client was unhappy about something, would they try to soothe them, find a new solution or work harder to make sure the client was happy?
- If they felt that one of the people in their team was a troublemaker, would they confront that person, tell their superior or keep the peace?
- If they felt that a new product was inferior to an old one, would they tell someone about it, come up with an idea for a new product that was better or do nothing?
- If they saw an office party in progress that nobody had told them about, would they join the party and introduce themselves or continue working at their desk?
The answers to questions such as these can really help the interviewer to get an idea of whether the person is creative, assertive, aggressive, extroverted or sensitive. These may not be the only things you consider when you hire someone new, but they can definitely factor into your hiring decisions.
Using Personality-Related Questions in Interviews
If you want to get creative and start considering the candidate’s personality when you hire someone, it can help to make sure that the rest of your hiring process is proceeding like clockwork. You don’t want to mix up your resumes, forget people you’ve interviewed or forget important parts of the hiring process, such as doing a background check, a recruitment software can help you with candidate and resume management so that your hiring workflow is optimized.
Contact Porters for a free 45-minute consultation to learn more about seamless hiring and recruitment or send an email to support@porters.cloud.