Competition is high in the recruitment industry with more roles than skilled talents. How can one stay on the top? 

It is all about TIME! With the many tasks recruiters have to attend to everyday and with just 24 hours in day, it is so important to utilize time well so as to maximize efficiency and increase productivity.

For example, there are tasks that are necessary but do not directly add value to making more placements. Very minimum time should be spent on such tasks to give recruiters more time to focus on talking with candidates or doing BD to companies.

Porters held a Webinar to address one of activities which can potentially be time consuming, that is new candidate registration. In this webinar, 3 methods of automating new candidate registration were introduced. Also, experiences of our clients who have automated their new candidate registration process was shared.

If you or your company is struggling in this area, this is highly recommended for you. If you have further inquiries or you would like a demo of how candidate registration process can be automated, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Click to see Webinar on Efficiency in Recruitment Process: Candidate Registration Made Easy with Automation