“DX Series: Breaking Free from the Analog Era Webinar”

Discover how to win with the acceleration of DX in recruitment

On April 13th, 2022, Porters was privileged to host the first webinar in the Digital Transformation Series (DX Series) planned for the year. The theme for the DX Series is “DISCOVER HOW TO WIN WITH THE ACCELERATION OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN RECRUITMENT” and the first webinar focused on Breaking Free from the Analog Era.

Although the need to match human resources with opportunities remain constant, the processes and the activities around it keep changing with time. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many companies to adopt work-from-home systems and caused an increase in virtual meetings. This partly accelerated recruitment businesses’ shift to digital transformation. Shifting to digital transformation is in the efforts to get better outcome from the business and remain competitive. This can be achieved by utilizing the same resources to maximize efficiency and increase productivity in the recruitment process.

There are different stages in the adoption of digital transformation and one of them is breaking free from analog way of doing things. Analog operations tend to pose a risk in data security, make it difficult to accurately track recruitment activities, potential loss of business opportunities due to not having correct information, and generally time wastage in repetitive tasks.

In this webinar, we:

  • Explained why it is necessary to break free from the analog era
  • Shared best practices that can be explored by recruitment businesses
  • Gave tips for increasing productivity with Digital Transformation

We welcome you to see the Webinar materials here or watch the Webinar recording below.

We love to hear from you, so if you have any feedback for us or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@porters.cloud

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