“Do you need an ATS/CRm for your Recruitment BUSINESS?”


With the increase in the amount of information handled and with the digital transformation, a lot of businesses, including recruitment businesses, have sought the assistance of digital tools. Digital tools such as ATS recruitment software have made it easier and more efficient to manage data. 

According to Gartner Forecast, the CRM software market is expected to experience an average annual growth of 14% through to 2025. 98% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS for their hiring process (source). Generally, systems with ease of use, automation and collaboration features are on demand.

Let’s get to the basics first. An ATS (Applicant Tracking System) allows companies to efficiently manage hiring process by consolidation the hiring workflow. A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) helps to companies to manage relationships with existing and potential clients and their interactions. 

An ATS recruitment software/CRM’ has both functions on one platform. Therefore, an ATS/CRM for recruitment businesses has the ability to manage workflow related to candidates, clients and recruitment process, on the very basics. Recruitment agencies, big and small, that wish to make their recruitment and hiring process efficient use ATS/CRM to streamline the recruitment process.

Benefits of Using an ATS/CRM Software

There is a cost incurred to implement an ATS/CRM, but the benefits of implementing it definitely outweigh the cost. These are some of the benefits expected when using a recruitment ATS/CRM:

– Easier data management

– Tracking of activities and performance

– Analyzation of key metrics

– Database recycling

– Elimination of manual operations

Using an ATS/CRM in your recruitment process contributes to easier and smoother data management with high work efficiency. Additionally, the fact that data can be extracted from the system makes data driven business planning and decision making possible.

Some of the features of an ATS/CRM for recruitment business would have include: candidate management, client management, hiring positions management, job posting, resume search, pipeline management, report, dashboard, resume parsing, candidate tracking, interview scheduling, among others.

So, do you need an ATS/CRM for your business?

Do you need an ATS/CRM

Whether you need an ATS/CRM for your business depends on several factors. First is the size of your business, i.e how many people in your company will need to access the system. Another factor which goes hand in hand with the number of users is how much data you have. 

This is because if only one person will need to access the system and there is just a handful of resumes and a few job orders then probably you wouldn’t need an ATS/CRM at this stage.

 Another major factor is the cost aspect of implementing and ATS recruitment software/CRM, if you are ready to invest in the implementation cost. It is also important to plan long-term on having the ATS/CRM otherwise the investment can easily go to waste.

If you decide that you need to implement an ATS/CRM, sometimes is can be a challenge to find something that fits your specialization or is it customizable to your requirements. Having clear reasons why you need the system will help to clearly measure its use to your business. 

But before deciding on implementing an ATS/CRM, widely research about what is available in the market, ask around, find out what people say about the services that you are interested in.

Should you decide to get an ATS/CRM software, how can you capitalize on it?

It is possible to implement a system and don’t capitalize on it, worse off, not using it at all! Therefore, if you decide to implement an ATS/CRM for your recruitment business, then it is best to make maximum use of it. The first step to capitalize on the system is to ensure that all the users are well trained to use it effectively. 

Whatever can be done on the system should be consolidated on the system and not done elsewhere to avoid duplication of tasks and time wastage. In the process of using it, keep monitoring results and constantly make improvements, commonly referred to as KAIZEN.

One more thing that can be a big win for maximizing the system is learning more/new things about it. Get ideas from the users in your company and information from the provider. Share findings across all the users to make sure everyone is at par. This will contribute to the general productivity of the members. Also, give feedback and recommendations to your provider about your requirements!

PORTERS provides highly customizable ATS/CRM that supports recruitment businesses towards digital transformation. The company has been in business for more than 20 years supporting over 2,500 clients over the years. Therefore, it possesses vast knowledge of the recruitment industry which greatly helps in supporting recruitment businesses to greater heights. 

To explore the implementation process of an ATS/CRM for your recruitment business, check out our blog post titled “6 steps to implementing an ATS/CRM for your recruitment process“. It provides a comprehensive guide to help you streamline your recruitment process and make the most of your ATS/CRM investment.

PORTERS also enjoys high rating for customer support and quality of service.

To know more about how PORTERS ATS/CRM can align to your business, book a free 45-minute consultation.


As always, we love to hear from you, so if you have any feedback for us or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@porters.cloud

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