”7 steps to implementing an ats/crm for your recruitment process”

6 steps to implementing an ats/crm for your recruitment process

Every business aims to improve productivity and increase revenue while minimizing cost. Some of the aspects that directly affect the general performance of a business is the efficiency of the operations and volume (output), which plays a major part. Being able to monitor the operations and volume of output can give a clearer picture on the improvements that need to be made in a business. Implementing an ATS/CRM could be one step towards improving the productivity of a recruitment business, and if that is the case for your business, here are some guidelines for the steps to implementing an ATS/CRM for your recruitment business.

Step 1: Identify your Goals

The first step is to identify your goals for implementing an ATS/CRM for your recruitment business. The goals should be aligned with the change that is expected in the business. Some examples of the goals could be to track recruitment activities and monitor performance (KPI management), to centrally manage data and maximize the database as an asset, to automate processes so as to reduce manual work and increase productivity, among many other goals.

Step 2: Evaluate Current Processes & Operations

It is necessary to make it clear what is working well for the business and what is not. This can be done by evaluating the current processes and operations. Pick up the aspects that need to be improved and find out if implementing a tool will improve the areas of improvement.

Step 3: Research & Decision Making

Next is to research about the available ATS/CRM tools in the market to find out about their coverage, how they are used, what features they have, how much they cost, what users say about the ATS/CRM and so forth. Most importantly is to ascertain how the tools fit into your business and what are the gaps if any.

For a comprehensive guide on whether you need an ATS/CRM for your recruitment business, check out our blog post titled “Do you need an ATS/CRM for your recruitment business?” It will help you make an informed decision in this crucial stage of the implementation process.

Step 4: Create Implementation Plan & Prepare Data

Once you have settled on suitable ATS/CRM, the next step is to create the implementation plan. This includes a rough timeline on when the implementation is to be done and the human resources that will be involved in the implementation process. It is also advisable to start preparing your data by getting rid of any unnecessary pieces of information within the data. This is because your data will be migrated into the ATS/CRM of your choice and the more data you have the more tedious and probably cost more if there is data migration charge incurred.           

Step 5: Involve Stakeholders       

Now that the implementation plan ready, next is to communicate to all the people who will be involved in the implementation project about the project and their roles. Get the necessary permissions within the company such as cost approval, if necessary.

Step 6: Implementation & Training Plan

The implementation process is done with close support from the service provider. Expect some give and take because some discoveries may be made about the data or the ATS/CRM in the very last minutes. However, the previously done research will greatly reduce the chances of a big shock at this point. There is also the possibility of the period of implementation overflowing beyond the expected cutover, therefore take note of such and allocate time generously.

As soon as the implementation is done, all users in the company need to be trained on how to use the ATS/CRM. Users’ competency will determine their productivity which will reflect in their performance.

Step 7: Monitor, Adjust, Improve

The system is up and moving, this is not the end of the process. It is important to keep monitoring workflow and processes on the ATS/CRM and make continuous improvements, also referred to as ‘KAIZEN’. It is good to have a KAIZEN strategy in place as well as the Plan-Do-Check-Action plan to get the most out of your investment in the ATS/CRM.

PORTERS Corporation is privileged to have supported more than 2,000 companies in the implementation of PORTERS ATS/CRM for recruitment business. With over 20 years of experience in the field and consultants from recruitment business background, the company is well resourced to offer advisory consultation on how to maximize the benefits of an ATS/CRM as a tool to improve your business. Feel free to consult with PORTERS regarding recruitment system by sending an email to support@porters.cloud or book your 45-minute free consultation here.

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